First-aid training
is not just vital for every workplace, it's actually a legal requirement according to the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulation 1981 act.
Indeed, having a trained first-aider on-site is essential to prevent and deal with any accidents, injuries or medical emergencies that may happen to staff or customers.
Dealing with accidents
According to the Labour Force Survey, 581,000 non-fatal injuries were sustained in the UK workplace during 2018/19. Most of these accidents were caused by falling or slipping, handling or carrying heavy items, or being struck by a moving object.
With accidents being so common in the workplace, it's imperative that a trained first-aider is on hand to carry out the appropriate procedures to treat the injured person in a timely and safe manner. It might even help to save lives.
Preventing accidents
As well as treating injured people in the workplace, those with first-aid training are best placed to help prevent accidents from occurring in the first instance. They can identify any risks or hazards present and reduce them while informing staff on how to work safely. This could include ensuring appropriate safety equipment is worn, making sure machines are used safely and correctly, and identifying the needs of any vulnerable workers.
This is crucial since accidents can be detrimental to a person's health, as well as the successful operations of a business. Staff who sustain injuries in the workplace may need time off work to recover, and, if the employer is found to be negligible, this could even have huge financial implications if the person takes legal action against them.
Therefore, ensuring first-aid training is a feature of your workplace that makes for an essential financial investment.
Safe working environment
Your good reputation is at risk if you operate in a working environment that is deemed unsafe, so first-aid training can help to address this issue. When staff and visitors know that measures have been taken to provide a safe workplace, with first-aiders on hand if any accidents or medical emergencies occur, they'll feel happier and more confident in that space.
If you’re looking to do First Aid training in 2020 then you can see our next course dates below:
1 Day Emergency First Aid Course:
28th Feb
15th May
16th Oct
3 Day First Aid at Work:
4-6th March
23-25th September
9-11th Dec